When did this happen ?
Kings Heath developed as the main route south from the burgeoning town of Birmingham toward Alcester and Stratford. See its history here.
The Association was founded in 2000 to help prosper Kings Heath—a rare example of a bustling 19th century High Street. It is a fully independent and non-profit making organisation, recognised by HM Government (the Home Office and the Department of Trade & Industry), Birmingham City Council, and West Midlands Police. KHBA has remained consistently active since, in the main thanks to the energy and commitment of a handful of key local individuals whose businesses were built in the vicinity and are passionate about keeping their local economy thriving. It has strong collaboration with local non-profit organisations providing services to underpin neighbourhood cohesion, and with settings such as the prominent Village Square, created in 2007 at a key intersection on the High Street as a focal point for fairs, markets, and other creative activity. |